Well the title gives it away.... but before noon today, I'd managed to get Samba going securely so that on our windows machines when we connect to my Linux box it requires a user name and password just once, but allows access to our individual home directories (for the person logged in ONLY) plus the other few folders we mutually use. The test area for websites in development, our music, and downloaded files.
And then not more than half an hour after that success, I was happily looking at the test page print out. The printer is connected to my Winblows laptop and accessed via the network from Rod's computer and as of today, from mine as well. Yes! I have a printer again. For the longest time I was saving files and accessing them from the laptop to print. No more extra steps for me!!
I reckon those two things were the highlight of the day. The rest of today I've just been mucking around and setting up various things to make my life easier. Amazingly, the one thing I had to search for today was an Email notifier. I've been using GKrellm, but most of it's functions take up less space by using the Gnome panel applets (little mini programs that run on the top panel of my desktop). But it also has a mail notifier that I've used for years and so I needed something to replace it on the panel. I did finally find one. Gnubiff, if you're interested. It has a cute little penguin that sleeps until mail comes in. Now I'm waiting for an Email to come in to test it. Where's the damn spam when you want just a test message, eh??
26 April 2007
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