My glucose levels are still weird - high in the mornings and better in the day. It just seems to be one of those things as nothing I do as far as diet seems to make a difference. Not even lots of green tea. Of course, no telling how much higher it might be without the tea and with it being wonky, I'm still not about to rock the boat and go without the green tea to see what happens. I'll just stay the current course that's worked for me the last several months and put the morning readings up to something happening with my body (and obviously somethings going on - that swelling on my back is a bit hard to ignore).
In other news, my new glasses arrived last week. I ended up not buying them on-line as I wanted them to be progressive (also known as multi-focal), and these are not really the kind of thing you can buy on-line as there are measurements that need to be taken so they're set properly. I ended up with two pair, one being for reading only, and other pair are the all in one multi-focal, anti-reflective transitional lenses. The frames are VERY similar to my old pair, but the sides are pink/purple. Here's a couple links to what they look like: Elle EL 18524 #1, and Elle EL 18524 #2. They're very comfortable, and I've had very few problems getting used to them. I got dizzy one day reading a newsletter, but after Rod reminded me I needed to move either the page or my head to keep the print in focus, I've been fine since. Last year, they only gave me half a prescription as otherwise I'd be too disorientated. So this year I have the full prescription that I need. And wow, I thought I could see before, but these are amazing. And I love not having to lift my glasses up just to read text on labels any more. I asked to have them be anti-reflective so the webcam will show my eyes rather than a reflection of the monitor. Is that being vain? (Shrug) I just figure if the webcam is there, it may as well give the best view possible.
We started our 'relationship' by ignoring each other, sort of. I just knew if I called to him or walked up to him, he'd run away and probably never come back. So I went about my business and tried not to scare him away. He'd take note of me and pretend to clean himself. We'd both steal glances at each other though. I noticed that he'd take to sleeping a little bit closer to the patio on every visit. Then one Friday night, he walked up to ROD and they made friends! I was a bit shocked! But happy that they seemed to like each other. The same night, he came up to me for the first time, and then decided to sleep on the mat in front of the sliding door. When I went outside late that night, he'd curled up in an empty planter and just looked at me as if he belonged, and who was I to argue as long as he didn't want in the house. So now when Peach visits (which isn't every day - I think he makes the rounds of the neighbourhood) - if he's in the middle of the yard, he comes running up to me and we have a little pet and cuddle then off he goes. He's exactly what I've wanted -- someone else's nice kitty to visit me and let me love and watch, if only for a few minutes every day or so.
I ordered a pair of noise cancelling headphones last week, and wow, are they ever nice. I use them when I need to 'chain' myself to the computer to either work on websites or to write. They really help with avoiding distractions and letting me think easier. Beautiful sound, and quite comfortable. This was one of the recent 'Catch of the Day''s and only $24 which is a great price.
I think that's about me for catching up at the moment. I'll write more once I've had the ultrasound if we're any more the wiser.
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