When I last wrote, it was about the whole fiasco with getting some actual real treatment for the huge cavity in my back (11cm by 4cm by 6cm). My GP was not too pleased to that my problem in back wasn't really given much more than a shrug. He will be making contact with various people so I can perhaps get a 2nd opinion. He also faxed off a referral for me to the Lymphedema Clinic.
I've had a realisation about myself... sure I'm a procrastinator, but worse than that, I also put off enjoyable things I LIKE to do. For instance, I get a bunch of comics in Email everyday. These are filtered into a folder, and usually I hold off on reading these until I have done a bit of work. This is fine, but they tend to really grow in number (36 arrive each day) and I do love reading them so it's not like I'm willing to stop receiving them. They build up while I procrastinate reading them because somewhere along the line I've taken the 'Don't Play until your work is finished' ethos. Same with other small pleasures, such as updating this journal. I put it off till so late in the day that by time I start it, my eyes are glazing over and I fall asleep at the keyboard.
I didn't receive any phone calls or birthday cards (not even from Rod!) on my birthday, but I did receive a lovely gift from Rod that has already been used a LOT. He didn't have time to wrap it, so he hid it in the washing machine (dry, thankfully), which always has a blue gingham tea towel on it, so you could say he was being clever and wrapped it in a really big reusable box. (grin). It turned out to be something that really surprised me as it was something I'd sorta wanted, but figured I'd wait until the price came down to something reasonable, which apparently it did. It's a really neat 7inch digital photo frame. We both expected it would just sit and show pics, but it does more. It plays mp3 (music) files, can do random images while playing music, and is also an LCD AVI video player. It has no internal memory, but it can use every kind of memory card out there, as well as USB flash drives. The display on it is amazing. It's very sharp to view. Pam sent me some money for my birthday via PayPal, so I bought a 4gig flash drive to go with it. I've used it to watch some of my favourite shows while sitting on the patio. I love it!
My latest diabetes experiment is a real winner. You could say I'm "Gambling with my Health, in a Good Way". I can't do a lot of exercise, but one thing I can do is walk, so I've started walking up to the newsagents everyday I can and getting a scratchy lottery ticket. I even wrote out a whole synopsis on it's purpose and some rules to 'play' by ...
The Scratchy Walk Exercise Plan
Walking up to Newsagents to buy a $1 or $2 instant scratchy.
I need to walk more for exercise.
I prefer to have a purpose for taking a walk.
The Newsagents is just under 1/2 kilometre from home.
If I walk there and back, it makes for a nearly kilometre walk.
Exercise by walking more.
Accumulate up to 7 scratchies in a week, purchased singly one walk at a time.
Even 'non-winning' scratchies are 'winners' in that I had some exercise.
Going for a walk / exercise.
Lower glucose readings.
Having a scratchy to play.
Randomly winning scratchy.
A kitty towards misc luxury items from any winnings over $10.
A bundle/bundles of scratchies that gives a visual view of the accumulation of walks.
Any winnings under $10 are to be recycled into funds for the Scratchies Walk.
Winnings over $10 are to be set aside for luxury items: new clothes, home decor items, movie or concert tickets, etc.
Each non-winning scratchy should have the date and if I've worn a pedometer, the number of steps for that walk.
These are to be placed in bundles of 1 week, 1 month etc so I can visually see how many times
I've been out for a walk.
For winning scratchies, a separate piece of paper should include the date, number of steps and
the winning amount to be placed in the same stack with the other scratchy bundles.
Running errands such as picking up groceries, prescriptions etc is allowed.
I can walk anywhere before or after scratchy purchase, as long as scratchy is purchased during my walk.
No buying a scratchy if not out for a walk.
Buying contraband (IE anything that's not helpful/healthful to eat) is not allowed.
If Rod wants to join in, he can walk at his own pace and buy his own scratchy.
Rod's scratchy and any winnings are his for whatever purpose he chooses.
Gaelyne does not have to keep up with Rod's pace.
Oh yea, and as of last Thursday, I've qualified for disability. This wasn't really a surprise, though.
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