21 February 2007

21 Feb: Catch Up

No, I haven't stopped testing my glucose or experimenting to see what works with my diet, exercise and green tea consumption.  The last few days have just been a bit busy on other projects.

I'm setting up my computer to be able to create DVDs or VCDs of stuff that I download. Mainly because Rod doesn't like watching stuff on my laptop and prefers to watch things on the TV in the comfort of our bedroom.  Myself, I don't mind at all.  It's been a steep learning curve compiling and installing all the various software that's required.

I also sorted out (just today) how to convert the video files from my phone to something I can share with other people.  I have a little beach clip from Saturday that I'll eventually get online to show you. (Probably not from this blog, but one of my other more public ones).

Anyway, have tons of other stuff I should be doing right now but wanted to at least touch base and let you know I haven't forgotten this blog.

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