05 February 2007

5 Feb: Tea

Post-Tea Reading: 8.2 mmol/l or 147.6 mg/dl

I'm somewhat pleased with this reading as it could have been much higher if not for the green tea.

Dinner was sweet chilli pork stir-fry with lots of vegetables. I cooked 1.5c Basmati rice (that's the amount after it was cooked) and put the stir-fry over top. I gave my husband more rice and other ingredients so that I had only 3 carb serves of the rice.

One thing I didn't do is tai chi tonight. Might still do it, but want to actually get some work done first. I've been playing with this blog today instead of doing what I had intended today.

The weather changed from extremely hot and dry to windy and cool. Nice change!

1 comment:

lnielsen said...

I've been experimenting with green tea lately also. I think I'm in favor of powder green tea more so. In US, matcha (green tea powder) has been getting a lot of attention lately. My particular favorite is green tea