01 March 2007

1 Mar: Readings & Comments

6.8   / 123    Overnight   01:51:52
6.1 / 109 Fasting 08:40:48
11.9 / 214 Post-BF 11:38:06
8.1 / 146 Pre-Lunch 13:31:29
6.0 / 108 Post-Lunch 15:44:41
4.6 / 82 Pre-Tea 19:05:44
13.1 / 236 Post-Tea 21:43:11

Am still a bit funky feeling. An area where I had surgery a couple years ago has been bothering me a lot since last weekend and last night Rod noticed that it looked 'bruised' to him. To me it looks like the outline of the area is very red and hot, with the centre having more fluid than usual. It feels tight to move the muscles that are there on my back. Tighter than normal. And it does hurt. So, I think I also had/have cellulitus (it's a skin infection) as well as the sinus infection. He says it looks better today, so apparently the antibiotics are working. Good. Like I needed anything extra like this!

I bought a mini food processor today. It's not as large as I'd of liked, but the price was right. I spent the day working on the BGL area of my website, mostly on the 'admin' side, making things a little nicer/easier for myself. Last night I wrote a little script that lets me take the information from the database file that Windows stores and manipulates the information into a format that can be uploaded to the MySQL database server, which it does. Then I go to the web site and add the 'event' that goes with each reading and any notes. Takes less than 5 minutes for the whole process, and it took longer than that to add all the data manually from the keyboard.

We both want to jump in the shower and head off for bed so I best end this here.

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