20 March 2007

20 Mar: Readings & Comments

4.3    / 77    Bedtime         23:53:18
5.2 / 93 Fasting 08:26:23
7.2 / 130 Post-Breakfast 11:35:31
5.5 / 99 Pre-Lunch 12:36:35
5.4 / 97 Post-Lunch 15:27:52
3.8 / 69 Random 17:36:37
5.2 / 93 Pre-Tea 20:04:45
5.4 / 98 Post-Tea 22:11:36
HEY look at that! Only one reading over 100 in mg/dl format! That's AMAZING! I'm so pleased. I can't say this is from any change of diet though as I am still using the same lowish carb and higher protien diet I've been on for a fair while, plus using 2 cups of green tea after each meal.

I had my usual crumpet toast and peanut butter for breakfast, a sausage roll for lunch, and then around 5:30pm after a quick trip to the grocery store I thought I was feeling a bit hungry and I'm glad I checked. I think 3.8 is the lowest I've had to date. For my snack I had the heal of the crumpet toast loaf and some cheese. Tea was very late as we didn't get to the grocery store until later in the afternoon to pick up veggies so the roast didn't get put in as early as we'd of preferred. We had a pork roast with potatoes, gravy, carrots and onions. (YUM). Tomorrow we'll be having left over pork in curry sauce (also YUM).

I've already written about being grumpy so really have nothing more to say although I should mention that these readings really make me happy - no being grumpy with these results!

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