For ages, I've used a cable to download data from my meter to the computer and then into a database so I can work with it on my website. The software I use for this is from the company that makes the meter, and has always been a big on the frustrating side. If I suspend my Windows computer (I normally use Linux), the software won't read the meter again until I reboot. If I hold my tongue the wrong way it might recognise the meter, but not download the data. So a week or so ago I Emailed the company representative that I bought the meter from, and asked if there'd been any software updates. To my surprise, they will be releasing an update within the next few weeks, and he gave me a private link so I could download it in advance. The upgrade is much better -- it finds my meter immediately. It also lists all my records. But it refuses to SAVE the records. UGH! Worse, when I tried to go back to the older software, the not saving data problem remained. I Emailed Mark on Friday about it and of course being close to the end of the day he couldn't do anything more than let me know he'd check a few things and get back to me on Monday. Today he sent Email to let me know he'd be mailing a CD with the new software and once it arrives to uninstall the old, then install the new and let him know how it goes. Hope it works.
So I've got over 35 numbers accumulated in my meter (it holds 400 so I'm not in any fear of losing data), and while I've been manually updating my data, I am waiting until I have the software so I can update my own database and website. Hope it comes soon.
I'm still having random fevers and needing to take naps. Yesterday was one of those days, unfortunately. Today was much better. I took down the Christmas tree today and all the trimmings, vacuumed, swept the patio and felt good for most of the day. I took a nap around 4 to 5:30 this afternoon, but didn't get far with it - a combined asthma and basic phlegm/allergy attack had me going through tissues and wishing it'd all just settle down.
I bought a gym ball to use as my office chair at the local sports shop. They inflated it for me, and let me know I had to wait at least 48hrs for the rubber to expand before using it. The time was up today so I spent half an hour this evening using it at the desk. I quite liked it, but can definitely feel different muscles being used. I plan to ease into using it slowly so figure starting out using it half an hour in the morning and evening for a few days and then build up to an hour and eventually using it full time. It's fun to bounce at the computer though. :-)
We had our Christmas get together with Vicki and Dave on Saturday and that was very enjoyable. It's also the reason I kept the tree up for so long -- Christmas wasn't officially over until we'd got together with Vicki and Dave. :-)
My grandson could come into this world any day now. I'm really looking forward to getting to know him, even from a distance. Shame he won't be able to type at a keyboard for a few years yet though!!
I have been updating my desktop and have made it all 'pretty'. I have little pics from our webcams so I can now see Rod (who sits behind me) without turning around. I also had reserved space for photos of the baby, but since Chris sent me some scans from the ultra sound taken in August, I have this in that space for the time being. I'm told my grandson has a full head of hair and is 9lbs 15oz. How the HECK they know how much he weighs before he's born beats me. Modern technology... wow! There's no privacy even in the womb these days!
15 January 2008
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