I am SO glad I finally have a faster computer again. I'd fallen behind on things like reading Email, answering mail, reading the news/RSS feeds I subscribe too, and even reading stuff on websites (like my kids journals on DeviantArt and other blogs).... and because invoicing has been a long drawn out chore, I was behind on that too. Well in one day, Saturday, I managed to catch up with all of the above. Invoicing only took me half an hour to do instead of all day. Reading the mail, news and blogs took a couple of hours, and then Rod and I watched two (not one, but TWO) Christmas movies during the day. So I've been able to get back to little pet projects that I've been putting off because of always being constantly behind on other things. It's great!
We didn't really have plans for New Years Eve, so when a friend sent Rod a txt message inviting him to an impromptu party at his place, we decided to go along and be socialable. We got there around 11pm, and had a good time catching up with friends, and came home about 2:30am. The next day I was up early and thankfully, no hangover. That's probably because I didn't have as much to drink as what I would have a few years ago. And what I did have I quite enjoyed -- spiced rum with Pepsi Max (a sugar free Pepsi that has added seasoning to it).
I don't do resolutions. Every day I think to myself that it's a new day and it's my chance to "do things better" than the day before - and this philosophy works just as well for years as it does for days. It does feel like it's going to be a better year though. For one, I started 2007 without teeth. I had to go from Feb 2006 to Jan 28 2007 without dentures or teeth, so there's one improvement already. The hole in my side is healing - the hole itself is now getting quite a bit smaller and the RDNS nurse is only coming to change the dressing (which is also smaller) twice a week now. The last set of antibiotics seems to have worked... I'm no longer running odd fevers every day. I was able to send my kids real gifts that I had contact with and was able to see and touch and cuddle. In past years I've used eBay and had the items mailed directly to Michigan. This year, with a grandson on the way, I wanted to buy him a few things but really needed to be able to see the items in person, and in the case of a set of little jammies, I was able to 'pre-hug' and cuddle them before sending them off to Michigan. It was a good feeling. And in turn my kids were able to send a few things to me this year, and that was quite a treat for me as well. 2008 has a much better ring to it that 2007, and with my first grandchild only a few weeks away from being born, of course it'll be a year to remember!
I'm feeling a bit better. The heat the last week has been a challenge, but at least I'm not running those fevers I was last month. I still seem to have the sinus and bronchitis infections, but they do seem to be clearing up. My wound is also getting much smaller - the hole is anyway, and now the nurse is only coming twice a week instead of 3x a week. Sure will be glad when the hole closes - I'm really quite antsy to get in the ocean and play in the waves.
In the new experiments department, I'm now taking calcium supplements and fish oil. The calcium is because my GP suggested I probably wasn't getting enough in my diet, and gave me a chart of food and how much calcium you get from a serve of each. Yup, I'm probably not getting enough calcium - so supplements it is. The fish oil is based on a few different articles I've read here and there. It's main value is in helping the cardiovascular system work better, which of course if it helps blood flow, that in turn is going to help the hole in my side heal. As it helps with inflammation, it's not going to hurt my arthritis and may actually help with that. The other reasoning for trying it has to do with it being 'brain food'. I've always been a bit ADD (Attention Deficit), and one of the stories I read was that a study showed it helped ADD people stay focused. I can definitely use that! It also creates more of a compound in the brain that stops Alzheimer's plaques from developing. Last, because I had chemotherapy and hormone therapy, I have experienced what we real folks refer to as 'chemo brain'. The treatments basically made my body act as if it were 20 years older than I actually am, and I have some real problems in the memory and cognizant thought areas. I'm hoping it'll also help with this. No guarantees, but I do think it's worth a shot. I'm trying 1g three times a day. This really doesn't have much effect on diabetes, but it may have a huge benefit in improving my healing time, which is definitely diabetes related. Here are a couple of links with information on fish oil:
Daily Mail
My new grandson kept me up half the night the other night and he's not even born yet. Just before I was about to go to bed my son sent me an ICQ to let me know he and his wife were on the way to the hospital. So naturally I waited up to hear the news, but it was a false alarm - my guess is the baby has dropped, and that's why Jen is experiencing lower abdomen pain. If that's true, then it'll only be another week or so before the baby finally arrives and wreaks havoc on my son and dil's lives. As if he isn't causing enough of a stir now. (Ah, payback is so sweet!)
Last but not least, I've uploaded a whole bunch of pics to Flickr over the holidays (only 1 actual holiday snap though). Some are new, and others are from my website as I'm trying to migrate all of my on-line gallery over to Flickr. Here's our Christmas tree pic on Flickr:
Happy New Year!
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