12 March 2008

Wed 12 March Update

Scratchy: No win. 4348 steps

Learners Permit Theory Test Practice Scores:

Give Way Test: 8 of 8 correct (8 required)
Multiple Choice: 42 out of 42 correct (32 required)

Breakfast: crumpet toast w/ PB
Lunch: salad with chicken and blue cheese, crackers
Tea: KFC

Notes: Had Learners permit class this morning. On way home, I had Dave and Kirsty drop me off at shopping centre. I posted a bunch of stuff out, and went to pick up the rest of my antibiotics, but they still aren't in yet. Came home and ate salad while watching TV. Now need to get some household chores done and do some work. the heat is really getting to me, although I'm fortunate that so far my forehead hasn't broke out in eczema this time around.

Hey have I mentioned it's hot??

Record heat and no relief in sight for another week

Record heatwave in Adelaide

Heatwave prompts trains to slow

Steps: 7503

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