10 June 2008

Mon 9 June

02:16:00   5.4  /  97  Post-Tea  
09:47:00 6.9 / 124 Fasting
13:22:00 4.3 / 78 Pre-Lunch
17:25:00 7.8 / 140 Post-Lunch
19:24:00 6.1 / 109 Pre-Tea
22:31:00 11.5 / 207 Post-Tea

Driving Totals: Daytime: 1035 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 505 mins of 600 req

W: 90

Total Steps: 9823

Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: scrambled eggs and 2 crumpet toasts. In a lot of pain from cracked rib or muscle pulled.
Tea: 2 sausages w/ saurkraut on hot dog buns. Should have had only 1 bun.

Notes: Holiday (Queen's B'day). Think I broke a rib or pulled a muscle right where the hole is in my side. Ouch. Walked to chemist to pick up antihistamines. Started batch of yoghurt. Lawn mowed.

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