08:05:00 6.7 / 121 Fasting
13:06:00 5.4 / 97 Pre-Lunch
16:30:00 6.7 / 120 Post-Lunch
18:35:00 5.0 / 90 Pre-Tea
21:48:00 7.9 / 142 Post-Tea
Driving Totals: Daytime: 1050 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 505 mins of 600 req
15 min driving this morning
Total Steps: 11,343
Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: sausage on a bun, cottage cheese
Tea: home made chilli (very very hot - "No Mercy") and 3 low carb tortillas
Fluids: 2.625 litres so far
Notes: This morning was real mixed bag. I was up around 3am because my right side was very sore. I had a cough, and pulled a muscle or cracked a rib or something on the LEFT side. Arg. I went back to bed and drifted in and out of sleep until 8am when it was time to get up. If it hadn't been a day that I take Rod to school (ie driving), I'd of taken a Panadiene Forte (like Tylenol with codiene), but alas, I needed my wits about me. Took Rod to school, had my dressing changed by the RDNS nurses, who both told me I should see my GP as it was obvious I was in a lot of pain. Walked to Colonnades as I usually do for my walk, and while browsing, realised I had to go to the loo. The first one I went to was 'closed for cleaning'. Finally found another one and as I was unzipping my jeans, the zipper got stuck... in my skin. So there I am, leaning against the wall of the stall, both left and right rib cages hurting, trying to get the zipper down without having to resort to outside help or tearing my skin, and really wondering where this was going to lead. As I'm struggling, I bumped my pedometer, which promptly fell into the toilet. My little red Kellogg's pedometer has survived a heck of a lot over the last few years, but it has always had a bad tendency of either falling off at the most inopportune moment or getting occidentally reset. Well, this was the end of that pedometer. Sigh. Shortly thereafter my skin finally came unstuck. Phew. It was only a tiny bit of skin that had been caught, but of course I didn't know that before it finally came free.
So my next project was finding a new pedometer. I was really annoyed as I really don't have $20 extra to spend on one and that was the going rate I'd seen for them the other day in one store. So on a whim, I tried Kmart and managed to find one that 'speaks', has a cover (so as to not get occidentally reset), and a better type of clip. It also speaks the time, has alarms, a stop watch, and calibrates stride length for giving distance information. All for the hefty price of (drum roll ... ) $4.00. I was tempted to buy 2 so as to have a spare.
The next thing I wanted to see if I could find (although I had my doubts I'd have much luck) were Shirataki noodles. These are Asian noodles that have very low (nearly zero) carbs. I didn't find them, but I was rewarded. One of the 'continental' shops carries items from all over the world, and ... oh, on a day I really could use just a little bit of 'comfort food'... Reeces peanut butter cups. I bought 2 packages. And amazingly did not sit down and eat a package immediately. I did have some later, but made sure it was with my lunch and because of that (and making sure I had lots of protien to balance it with), and did lots of physical stuff afterwards, my afternoon BGLs were still in the normal range.
The rest of the day was pretty normal. The pain in both sides eased considerable this evening, which happened to coincide with when a very windy rainy period came along. Hmm. I'm not sure if it's just I took enough pain medication or if it was the weather, but either way, both sides are much better than they had been, and I'm very grateful.
1 comment:
you should have gotten two pedomiters, worn both of them to see if there was a difference, then figured the difference or something
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