07:29:00 6.7 / 120 Fasting
11:07:00 6.9 / 125 Post-Bfast
13:09:00 5.5 / 99 Pre-Lunch
15:33:00 7.0 / 126 Post-Lunch
19:53:00 4.2 / 76 Pre-Tea
22:50:00 6.9 / 124 Post-Tea
Driving Totals: Daytime: 560 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 200 mins of 600 req
W: 90
Scratchy: No win. 5288 steps
Total Steps: 7539
Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich
Lunch: sausage roll w/ cottage cheese
Tea: pork chops w/ potato, onion. My signature chop dish, made in an electric fry pan.
Notes: How lovely being able to just type about stuff without having to do anything with my stats.
Rod had classes all day today and I planned to spend the day working on client related stuff, and definitely did that. Mind, the project took a little longer than expected, but the overall result has been good. I needed to basically take my PHP web form software and adjust it so my client could use it for his project. It actually turned out quite well commented and he was able to take it and add all that he needed to, so I feel I was successful in creating something easy to use that I can archive up and have available for other clients if they need them.
I did have a bit of an interruption just before lunch time when a reminder popped up to tell me I have an appt at Flinders tomorrow for my wound. Couldn't ask for better timing as I took the last of the antibiotics on the 17th and just a day later the wound started having extra exudate that's greenish and this has only increased in volume since then. If it weren't for this appt tomorrow, I'd probably be ringing RDNS to have the dressing changed a day sooner... no kidding, Rod's even marked the dressing twice now to be able to see how much extra fluid is showing.
Usually the doctor I see at the wound clinic (actually it's the 'Plastics Treatment Rooms', has been nothing short of amazingly biased, insensitive, prejudiced, and very assumptive ... all things I hate to say about anyone let alone a woman. So I have tried to have some information on hand. First of all I made sure to get a written report from the RDNS nurse so that yesterdays' note about the extra fluid and tinge of the dressing are noted. And then I rang the doctors office to get the details of the last swab that I had and what antibiotics I've been taking. Fortunately I was able to search this journal and find dates and details. That's why I write about this stuff, so I have a record I can turn to in the future. Then I had a brilliant idea. I asked the chemist if they could print out a list of all the antibiotics I've been on for the last year. They were actually able to get from the beginning of March last year. The print out is for all medications I've had in that time frame, who prescribed them, dosage, etc, and the pharmacist highlighted all the antibiotics. It's not an insignificant amount.
So my plan is to, if I get the same old lines and attitudes, to ask for a multi-disciplinary review with the wound management clinic, plastics (who are the main ones I deal with), and my breast surgeon, who has had 2 different GP's talk to him about why more isn't being done with my wound. And I think I'm within my rights to request this. I would just like to see some people doing some talking rather than taking the word of one rather jaded, biased, rude, insensitive registrar. I realise not a lot can be done, but having had 2 GPs have very similar opinions on this that doesn't match what the treating registrar says, I think it's important to take it a bit further.
And while I'm not happy to have a new infection going, I am glad that they get to see it in this state as all my other appts have been while I've been on antibiotics, and that's because I've been on a LOT in the last thirteen months because this keeps re-infecting. So, I have amunition this time around. I did last time, too, but hopefully this time I have more "stand up for myself-ed ness".