07 April 2008

Sun 6 April Update

06:16:39   8.6  / 154  Fasting
13:44:05 4.2 / 75 Pre-Lunch
17:01:18 8.7 / 157 Post-Lunch
18:27:54 6.2 / 111 Pre-Tea
21:27:51 10.0 / 180 Post-Tea

Scratchy: No win. 3631

Breakfast: Usual.
Lunch: scrambled eggs and two crumpet toasts.
Tea: 2 slices pizza, garlic bread.

Notes: weird day. weird dream. Woke up 'early' due to arthritis pain, and then after I'd been up awhile I realised it was even earlier since the clocks needed to be adjusted for daylight savings. Made a cup of dark roast coffee using a new plunger system I bought the other day on clearance. Was excellent coffee, but unfortunately I'm coming to realise that the caffiene is putting me to sleep. Rod got up, and I kind of traded places with him and went back to bed for an hour or so. I had the strangest dream that I was trapped in some school/hospital with younger people, and there seemed to be no escaping the place. Was sort of fuzzy all day long, and then had a cuppa with Rod an hour or so ago and ended up taking a nap in my rocking chair on the patio. Bugger, because I really like the coffee, and I know that reducing the amount I drink is going to lead to a headache. But still, the point of the coffee started out for the caffiene to stay awake. Obviously that's not working for me.

Yesterday I discovered that I can watch the TV shows we've taped on our PVR (sort of like a VCR but it saves the video to files on a hard drive. As our PVR is networked, we have been copying stuff I've fallen asleep watching (seeing a theme here?) to a folder on my computer, basically to save space on the hard drive of the machine. Well, I found out that using a couple simple commands on my linux box I can convert the TV files into an .avi file. I can copy these files to my USB flash drive, stick it in my digital photo frame I keep on the table on the patio and watch stuff whenever I'm taking a break. I'm so rapt with this, as I figured I'd never see these shows as I don't often watch TV in the bedroom except at night, and that's where the PVR is. So TV on the patio, of sorts. :-)

Funnily enough, what caused me to make this discovery was that Rod bought me a USB HIGH DEF DVB-T (TV) Tuner for my computer (for a song) and I was looking into whether I could convert the stored files into something that let me watch the shows on my digital photo frame. So over the course of the weekend I've managed to convert all the stuff I've missed, and have watched about half of them. I'm even all caught up with watching Neighbours, and I'm always about a week behind on that show. Not any more. :-)

On another note, I was saddened to learn that Wally Bronner of the incredible, magical, amazing Bronners Christmas Store passed away. I know he had a strong faith in God and said he'll be making sure the decorations in heaven are in place, but it's still sad that he won't there to great folks at his store, and have chats about decorating and Christmas. He was a one of a kind person. My condolences to his family. A few weeks ago either the Saginaw News or TV5 had a fill-in form on their website to send Wally messages. I sent him a message starting with 'G'day from Australia!' and thanked him for the wonderful memories I'll always have of many family trips to his most amazing store. I don't know if he received any of those messages from the website, but I hope he did.

Steps: 6235

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