08 August 2007

Blood Test Results

Just a quick Whoo Hoo! Before I go to bed...

My iron is back to normal again.
My HBA1C was 6.2 ---- the same as it was in April!

I'm really thrilled with this news.



Anonymous said...

HBA1C what is that?

With love your,
Eldest Son.

FlitterbyG said...

HBA1C stands for Haemoglobin A1c or glycated haemoglobin. The level of HbA1c reflects the average blood glucose level over the past 3 months. This page gives a really good description with illustrations... http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/easdec/prevention/what_is_the_hba1c.htm

While I check my blood glucose several times a day, the HBA1C is kind of an accumulative test that shows an average from the last 3 months. It's relatively new to me, because I had diabetes when I was a teenager and they didn't have that test then, that's for sure! I reckon it helps keep me 'honest', knowing there's a test at the end of the next 3 month period.

Your One and Only Mom ;-)