08:14:16 7.4 / 133 Fasting
11:08:12 8.0 / 144 Post-Bfast
13:17:22 6.6 / 118 Pre-Lunch
16:00:06 6.9 / 124 Post-Lunch
20:46:49 5.2 / 93 Pre-Tea
23:24:37 8.1 / 146 Post-Tea
Driving Totals: Daytime: 490 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 175 mins of 600 req
W: 88.5
Scratchy: No win. 3678 steps
Breakfast: low carb tortilla w/ PB (think I over guestimated amt of PB to use)
Lunch: Egg sandwich on low GI toasted bread. 2 eggs
Tea: KFC
Notes: Day started out early as had RDNS clinic appt at 9:15am. Dressing and wound looked pretty good. Nurse and I discussed Dr. Lim's comments and she asked what I wanted. Heck, I just want it to be healed, really. Not fussed about the means to get there.
Before we left for the RDNS appt, my new Freestyle Papillon Mini was delivered. I didn't even get to open the shipping box before leaving home though. Talk about having something to look forward to when I got home!
After RDNS, I drove to the Reynella pharmacy to pick up antihistimines as I can get them there cheaper than what I used to get them online for. Only thing is, the online ones came out of the credit card whereas buying in person means spending my own cash. Boo Hiss. One nice thing with driving though is Rod's kind of captive... if I want to go somewhere I don't have to ask anymore, I can just drive there. :-)
I spent all afternoon checking out the Freestyle Mini. It is a bit different from my other meters and took some getting used to, but nothing that made me upset with it or anything. It does need a new battery though (it take two). The backlight wasn't working on it and so I tossed it to Rod last night to see if he could sort it out and as it happens if we reverse the batteries, I have a light, but the rest of the meter doesn't work. Well, that's not very good. Unfortunately today (am writing this on Friday) is Anzac day, so I won't be able to get new batteries for it until Saturday. Another minor downer is that when I first set the time it was on 'PM' and should have been on 'AM'. So my first few trial tests have the wrong time. No worries, until I learned you can't delete data from the meter. The software only lets you delete the entire patient or a whole days worth of a patients data. Still, I can use my own database and make it correct there, so I'm not all that fussed. And yes, the main thing that makes me a very happy camper is that the data cable I already had for my Caresens monitor works fine with the Freestyle Mini. Yay! Another nice thing is that it exports data in a pretty straight forward manner.
I happily spent the afternoon and part of this morning (Friday) working on scripting code so I'll be able to easily upload the data to my database. It's finished now, and I'm very pleased both for meeting the challenge and that it all works.
The Freestyle mini does read a little higher than my Caresens, but it uses a different method of assaying the blood to get the results. Another nice thing - all prior meters I've had, have had the ability to read results from other places besides the fingers, but required a special lancer attachment that cost extra and didn't come standard. The Freestyle included the extra bit. Yay! I have little marks all over my inside forearm from learning how to use the thing... looks like I have measles or something... and then I discovered I get much better results and less marks if I use the out side part of my forearm. Ah, live and learn.
Reading a few forums, I've read that some people don't like the fact that you have to press a button after putting in the test strip in order to get it started on making sure the coding is correct and telling you it's ready for you to test a blood sample. Almost every other meter on the market 'comes alive' as soon as you put the test strip in. I actually like the 'press the button' feature. It means I can get all set up and only when I'm ready to lance my finger, I can press the button and by time I have a sample ready for it, it's ready for me. I hate when devices rush me.
Went late night shopping (stores stay open to 9pm on Thursdays -- and yes, that's considered 'Late Night shopping' here) last night and chose a place a bit of a distance away so I could have some night time driving. Oh yea, night time, rush hour driving on the 2 lane expressway. Eek. (Yeah, I know. 2 lanes for an expressway... but ours is reverse - it changes directions twice a day). And it really WAS rush hour, and an L-Plater is only allowed to go 80km instead of the allowed 100km on the expressway, so yeah, I had a bit of traffic behind me!
Along with the driving minutes, I've also added a 'W' entry in my journals. These are for the daily weight measurements an RDNS nurse suggested I take. I have the list from the last week or so (as long as I've been doing these measurements) below. I'm really kind of blown away by the results. The tests are done in the morning before eating anything and with nothing on - not even glasses.
91.5 Thur
92.5 Fri
93.5 Sat
92.5 Sun
91.5 Mon
90.5 Tue
90.5 Wed
89.5 Thur
88.5 Fri (today)
Steps: 4206
1 comment:
Lil Sis, I can't help but think 11 pounds in less than a week in fluctuations is bizarre. Your body is just so, so, so contrary!
Your experiments with the new meter are really cool, I am glad that you have figured out where to get the best readings, too bad you look like you have had measles but (do I have this right?) you don't have to prick you fingers, so that has got to be better.
I didn't quite understand about the speed of your driving... is it that your car will not go faster or is it the rules with your learner's permit that made you the slow-poke on the road?
And I love it that you have a captive in the car, and that you can go places that you want to go. After so many years of being the passenger, you must be enjoying the new freedom.
You figured out the scripting code, and I am proud of you!
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