06:51:00 6.7 / 121 Fasting
11:34:00 5.7 / 103 Post-Bfast
20:02:00 5.0 / 90 Pre-Tea
23:05:00 7.9 / 142 Post-Tea
Driving Totals: Daytime: 680 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 300 mins of 600 req
W: 89.5
Scratchy: No walk today, but over 8000 steps
Total Steps: 8879
Breakfast: low GI toast w/ cheese and vegemite
Lunch: scrambled eggs, 2 crumpet toast
Tea: 3 slices thinner crust pizza. (Big improvement over the last several weeks).
Notes: Spent the day again working on stuff around the house. Mopped both inside and completely swept and mopped the patio. It needed it after the last dust storm we had. Rearranged patio a little bit.
The most annoying thing after putting in a good days effort was my dressing started to leak and the fluid on my skin was like acid. I took a shower and took the dressing off in the shower and oh it was just so nice to clean my skin in that area myself. I can't reach the hole to change the dressing, but at least I could get the fluid off the rest of my skin and give it a good scrub. So Rod changed the dressing and it's feeling much better now. Just kinda ticked me off that it was reminding me I'm not done healing.
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