09:38:00 6.8 / 122 Fasting
12:18:00 8.9 / 160 Post-Bfast
16:27:00 6.2 / 111 Pre-Lunch
20:59:00 4.4 / 79 Pre-Tea
23:41:00 7.1 / 127 Post-Tea
Driving Totals: Daytime: 660 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 300 mins of 600 req
50 mins night time.
W: 90
Scratchy: no win 6141
Total Steps: 6808
Breakfast: 1 slice low GI toast w/ cheese
Lunch: 3 small sausage roll bits, cottage cheese
Tea: kfc
Notes: Took lots of pictures of buttons today. Worked on a few different projects but honestly don't feel as though I've got anywhere with anything. Did late night shopping (which means the stores stay open past 6pm) tonight, which gave me another 50 mins of driving time. I'm halfway there on the required night time driving hours. Wow.
Rod has a nasty nasty rash everywhere at the moment. We think it's from the antibiotics he's been taking for one of the areas where he had teeth removed. It's listed as one of the side effects. He sees the dentist in the morning so will ask about it. Otherwise, I'm sending him to the GP. We've ruled out soap and laundery detergent/softner as I don't change products due my own skin allergies.
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