23 January 2008

Granny 2B - Emotions are running high

I just sent this Email to my brothers and sisters ...


Just wanted to let you know that the baby is definitely on his way today.
J's water has broke, and she is having regular contractions. She and
T are at the hospital, and the nurses say the baby probably won't be
delivered until later tonight or early morning tomorrow (your time).

I'm going to be a Granny! And there's a whole new person to join our family.
Isn't this exciting?


Grandma and 3 very happy kids 1989 What I didn't mention is how emotional I feel at the moment. Yes, it's hard being all the way in Australia when my family is in Michigan, but I've been surprised at how much I am missing my mother, who passed away in June 1994.

When my oldest was born, she wasn't with me, but she was there within half an hour of his birth. Some people had told her not to be helping me - but she ignored that advice and even took it upon herself to drive to the hospital even though it was fairly late at night (after 9pm) and I was over an hour away. She also came and took me home from the hospital, to my little apartment, and we stopped on the way to pick up supplies. She couldn't stay with me because she had to work, but she wanted to, and would have if she could. When I had my next two babies, she came and stayed a few days each time - and with my second one, she even stayed a week before he finally came, and helped me try all kinds of things to get labour started again. Most importantly, she was there.

T was the first grandson, and he was special to my Mom. She tried not to have favourites, and she did really well with that, but she had a soft spot for him. She even quit smoking not long after he was born because she wanted to see him grow up. I sure wish she had. T's birthday was only a few months after my Mom died, and I found that day to be especially hard. I cried, a LOT. I was so sad he wouldn't be receiving any cards or phone calls or visits from her. I cried because it hurt that she cared so much for him, and she'd never get to see important milestones in his life. And he wouldn't be able to share secrets with her and be a part of each others lives.

Today I cry because she would have given anything to be part of this wonderful day that her new great-grandson comes into this world and becomes a part of our family. I miss her SO intensely at the moment, it's hard to describe. I know she's here in my heart, and I know she's able to be with me, and with T & J at the same time (which couldn't happen in the flesh), but it's not the same as being able to laugh and smile together, and hug with joy on this momentous occasion. I'm sure she'd have another soft spot for my grandson too.

I'm sure I'll have other posts today, but decided I needed to share this while the emotions are right here on the edge, so to speak.

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