07:25:00 8.6 / 154 Fasting
08:28:00 9.2 / 166 Pre-Bfast
13:58:00 5.1 / 91 Pre-Lunch
16:35:00 5.8 / 104 Post-Lunch
18:38:00 5.4 / 98 Pre-Tea
22:17:00 6.8 / 123 Post-Tea
Driving Totals:
* Daytime: 1345 mins of 2400 req
* Nighttime: 585 mins of 600 req
Total Steps: 2719 (but see notes below)
* 5 mins after lunch, 1.8k
* 5 mins after tea, 1.4k
Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: sausage roll and cottage cheese
Tea: hot and spicy fish with a handful of chips
Notes: Had RDNS appointment for a dressing change today. It's looking good, but have an area of skin where the tape goes that's tring real hard to have an allergic reaction. My side is still sore today, but somewhat better than it was.
After RDNS, went to Woodcroft to do grocery shopping. We stopped The Warehouse (now called 'Sams Warehouose) and had a look at some speakers and I tried out the exercise bikes and one that was on sale ($79.95 off) was an elliptical one, that moves your arms as you pedal so you get some additional benefit from it, and as it's a good kind of movement for me in helping to reduce the fluid in my arms, I decided to get it. It wasn't in my plans for today, but it was a really good deal. Rod let me get a headstart on putting it together and I was doing well (albeit slow) but I was quite grateful for his help.
I want to use the bike on a daily basis and make it part of the 'routine of my day', but I also don't want to over-do it so I think 5 minutes after meals would be a good starting point and once I'm used to that, I can start increasing the time. The other thing I'm trying to do with it is interval training which is you work on it really intensley for a set amount of time and then cool down for an equal amount of time, and keep repeating this pattern. Apparently people loss more weight is they use this method. That'd be nice. I really really need to drop at least 10k.
I wore my pedometer on a lanyard today, so numbers might not be quite accurate. Worth trying to see how well it fairs though.
I put a few pics on Flickr - a couple new postcards from Angeliina in Finland and a nice pic of Kelsey and Lynn with a horse (Lynn's I think) because I needed a pic for the scavenger hunt ('horseback riding').
Wish I could say I've done more today, but alas, I guess it wasn't meant to be.
Link(s): bugger, I lost them when I rebooted tonight.
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