07:21:00 7.1 / 128 Fasting
18:01:00 5.1 / 92 Pre-Tea
23:15:00 7.2 / 130 Post-Tea
Driving Totals:
* Daytime: 1290 mins of 2400 req
* Nighttime: 585 mins of 600 req
20 mins night time driving.
Total Steps: 5493
Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: thai curry tuna, lettuce and sprout salad. Yum.
Tea: Sausage and roll.
Notes: Spent the morning doing work related stuff, and had planned to work on my website this afternoon. However, after lunch my new pedometer arrived so of course I had to install the software for it - on my VMWare Windows because 'naturally' it uses %^&*& proprietry software. (GRRrrr). I think I may have solved the problem of why I couldn't get the USB TV thing working with VMWare a month or so ago while in the process. Turns out there were a couple lines in a file in /etc that needed uncommenting in order for USB stuff to work with VMWare. So, will try the TV thing on the weekend, for sure. There's pretty much nothing to the pedometer. Just a hook so it hooks onto clothing, and a USB slot. That's good as it means it doesn't talk at me, and it can't be accidently reset. The software's a bit daggy, but at least it works. I took a walk and ran some errands and when I came home it told me I'd taken 3982 steps, which is about right for where I'd walked.
I stopped at the medical centre and made an appointment with my GP so I can get some prescriptions renewed. I have been debating really hard on whether to change doctors or not, and even which doctor to choose for this appointment. Funny, it was a decision made for me. My usual GP is on vacation this week and next so I'll be seeing the doctor I've been thinking very hard about switching to. I guess we'll see how this appointment goes and I'll decided from there.
There was a computer meeting tonight and as the topic was GNU/Linux we decided to make an appearance in support of our favourite operating system. It was quite a good presentation, though I personally would have skipped a lot of the basic hardware related stuff and showed more of how it's not that different from what people are already using, but it works without crashing. Different strokes though. I won a couple of door prizes tonight too. One was a beautiful Azalea plant.
I really like knowing the history of my plants. Like this one will always be from the computer club, and I have some great spider plants going that our friend Erik gave me from his many hanging baskets of them. I'm not sure where I'll plant the Azalea, I'll have to look up what it does best with and any requirements. This one has beautiful double-pink flowers with white lacy edges. Really nice.
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