21 July 2008

Sun 20 July

07:53:00   7.8  / 141  Fasting   
12:19:00 6.3 / 114 Pre-Lunch
18:59:00 7.2 / 129 Pre-Tea

Driving Totals:
* Daytime: 1345 mins of 2400 req
* Nighttime: 585 mins of 600 req

Total Steps: n/a

Bike: n/a

Breakfast: bran pancake
Lunch: scrambled eggs w/ bacon and cheese
Tea: 2 slices (thinner crust) pizza

Notes: Was 'ok' in the morning aside from a nasty sinus headache. Finally gave in to it after lunch and had a long nap (till 5!). Spent the evening napping, dozing and watching TV with Rod, then went to bed and slept through the night.

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