14 July 2008

Sun 13 July

06:24:00   7.4  / 134  Fasting 
11:44:00 5.3 / 95 Post-Bfast
13:48:00 5.0 / 90 Pre-Lunch
16:43:00 7.2 / 129 Post-Lunch
19:46:00 4.9 / 88 Pre-Tea
22:45:00 7.6 / 137 Post-Tea

Driving Totals: Daytime: 1260 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 565 mins of 600 req

Total Steps: 3291

Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: Scrambled eggs w/ bacon & mushrooms 1 slice toast (Helga's Wholemeal)
Tea: Pizza. 2 slices. (thinner crust)

Notes: I'm pleased with the after lunch results today. Normally I have the low GI / high fibre bread, but as I knew my readings were at a quite reasonable level, I tried a slice of the thick wholemeal bread I picked up for Rod yesterday. I love wholemeal bread, and this is just excellent bread, for sure. And I had a touch (say maybe a teaspoon or less) of strawberry jam on the toast. Yum. And my after lunch reading was normal 7.2 - right in range. Yay!

I spent a pleasant day working on my own website and it's really coming along. Inadvertently the page I worked on today was the breast cancer one, and the old site had an additional page tucked away with photos relating to chemo and radiotherapy. Well, if you've noticed my recent Flickr uploads, these pics are now on Flickr and have been made part of my photo gallery, which uses Flickr sets. As these were the first gallery pics I've added it took a fair amount of time to get things displaying how I want them. It's not exactly what I'd like, but without hacking into code, it'll have to do. And I'm not 'dissatisfied' with the results - just I had something else in mind on how it would all look and fit together. This evening I copied the breast cancer web links to the new site's Links area. A lot of the sites were gone, but some of the most interesting ones are still available. And of course, I added the Breastroke.com site as well. Naturally! It just seemed quite a realisation that although I was working on 'other things' (photo gallery displays, web links), the back drop to this for the whole day was breast cancer. It's probably the most time I've spent on that topic for ages. And ironically, the link I have to share tonight is one that my son sent me, and was quite interesting reading.

Accidental fungus leads to promising cancer drug

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