07:08:00 8.8 / 158 Fasting
19:04:00 4.8 / 87 Pre-Tea
22:50:00 6.7 / 121 Post-Tea
Driving Totals:
* Daytime: 1360 mins of 2400 req
* Nighttime: 585 mins of 600 req
15 minutes daytime.
Total Steps: 7439
* 0 mins after lunch
* 5:30 mins after tea
Breakfast: bran pancake
Lunch: 2 eggs, 1/5 bagel with blue cheese
Tea: lamb meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies, salad
Notes: Had my usual Tuesday RDNS appointment this morning. As per last week, Rod went to the library and after having my dressing changed I took my walk at Colonnades. I felt very pleased with myself as I'd covered quite a bit of ground, but after coming home and having lunch instead of getting on with stuff I had planned to do, I ended up crashing and napping for an hour. That wasn't too bad, but it took me a few hours to get it together afterwards and get the cobwebs out. It wasn't the best of days as far as arthritis goes and there are times when my hands swell up and stiffen up quite a bit while I sleep (doesn't matter if it's a night time sleep or day time nap), and today was one of those days. After tea this evening, and once I'd had a stint on the bike, I'm now feeling more alert and stuff, but of course now it's the end of the day. Bah, talk about annoying.
I think I'm getting the hang of the usb pedometer now. First, I've resigned myself that the program's calendar data is always going to be a day out. As in when I upload my data in the morning, it counts it as the current days totals. I don't always remember to do the upload before midnight, so doing it in the morning, and then pressing the button on it till the lights blink is what makes it 'work' for the rest of the day. So I can deal with that, as long as I know what the routine needs to be.
Link(s): I so need to give this advice a go: Inbox Zero: Schedule email dashes
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