14 June 2008

Fri 13 June (Happy B'day Mike!)

09:38:00   6.3  / 114  Fasting   
13:03:00 5.7 / 103 Pre-Lunch
15:12:00 6.8 / 122 Post-Lunch
19:16:00 4.9 / 89 Pre-Tea
23:00:00 10.1 / 181 Post-Tea

Driving Totals: Daytime: 1050 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 505 mins of 600 req

W: 91.5 (not feeling well hasn't helped with this at all. ugh)

Total Steps: 2150 so far (forgot my pedometer when we went grocery shopping)

Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: sausage roll and cottage cheese
Tea: fish & chips

Notes: It's my former hubby's b'day. Happy B'day Mike! I still feel rough. RDNS nurse said I looked pale and asked if I'd seen the GP yet. No. Have appt at BC Clinic on Monday. My new meter arrived today along with a kit to return the defective one. And comparing just the regular display on both models shows my old one was hard to read even without the backlight - there's a real difference between them, so obviously there's more wrong with it than just the backlight. I'm amazed and pleased they replaced it so quickly.

Missed Breastroke today. I ended up napping during that time, which was probably best for me at this point. Uploaded a real mix of stuff to Flickr this evening, which started off because I rec'd a new butterfly postcard in the mail from Angelina in Finland. What a nice surprise to my day. This evening I solved a little PHP coding puzzle that I had with using include files on a multisite installation. Now I can get into converting my own site and the VCSWEB site to use Drupal since sorting out how to do this was pretty much the key requirement for me to be able to include my own PHP coded stuff on our various sites. I'm really pleased about it - and it was so simple.

I'm taking 2 Panadols and 1 Panadiene Forte every 4hrs. This means I'm taking an extra 500mg paracetamol than I should, but 1 of each isn't working, and if I have two of the Panadiene Forte's I wouldn't be able to function.

1 comment:

Dnsage said...

See the dang doctor! You in pain is not good. I hate it when you are having something 'un-named' going on.

I was very happy to share time on ICQ today, it was extra special when you shared with me your discovery!