19 February 2007

18 Feb: Readings & Comments

8.0    / 144.0    Bedtime      00:07:00
7.9    / 142.2    Overnight    05:28:00
7.7    / 138.6    Overnight    06:43:00
8.0    / 144.0    Overnight    06:52:00
6.5    / 117.0    Fasting      11:34:00
6.5    / 117.0    Pre-Lunch    14:48:00
8.5    / 153.0    Post-Lunch   18:01:00
5.3    /  95.4    Pre-Tea      20:07:00
9.5    / 171.0    Post-Tea     22:10:00
My bedtime reading was a bit high because I had ice cream and apple crisp with Rod last night.   The overnight readings were probably because of the same, although I had some early morning readings that perplexed me a bit since I had had a couple cups of green tea. I wasn't feeling very well though, so it might have had nothing to do with anything other than not feeling well.

My high post lunch reading could be due to two things.  First, it's the first ramen/2min noodles I've had in a while (I only had 1 serve, plus salad and cottage cheese for lunch), and/or it was because I made my ice tea a bit weaker than normal.  Am using Dilmah green tea bags and since they make a strong tea, I thought I'd only use 2 bags instead of 3. 

We had pizza tonight so naturally my reading is a little high, but we also went for a drive which meant I didn't have as much tea as I normally do.  Still had a 7.5 average for the day though, so I really can't complain.

Yesterday was so hot (in the 40s), we ended up going to the beach during the evening.  It's amazing how cold the ocean water was (brrr - my arthritis told me it was cold, too), but it felt so good after being so hot for so long.  Good exercise too.  My pre-lunch reading yesterday was 4.9 -- it's good to see 4's slipping in there here and there!!

Tomorrow Rod has school and he's already on his way towards heading to bed to I will end this here. Am so glad he will be back in school for awhile!


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