09 February 2007

8 Feb: Readings & Comments

7.5    / 135.0    Overnight       02:32:00
8.1    / 145.8    Fasting         08:12:00
8.4    / 151.2    Post-Breakfast  10:54:00
8.5    / 153.0    Pre-Lunch       13:00:00
7.3    / 131.4    Post-Lunch      15:03:00
9.8    / 176.4    Post-Tea        21:37:00
9.6    / 172.8    Bedtime         23:26:00

I didn't add this information yesterday because something funky was going on with our ability to access our own websites, and the page I use to update my online glucose levels was one of the worst problem ones. 

One of the reasons for having a blog like this one to supplement my other readings is that I can write as much as I want/need to in order to explain certain readings or just comment on things as they unfold.  It's hard to do that when you're adding information from previous days.  It's easy to forget details that might provide interesting clues later.

Most of yesterdays doesn't require much in the way of comments.  The post-tea and bedtime readings are because I had a much more Fettuccine noodles with my tea than I should have.  I am a big fan of pasta. Sigh.  Funny thing is, the pasta was the pre-made refridgerated type and the package said 'Serves 2'.  As we still have enough left over for at least another meal for the 2 of us, I commented on it and his reply was 'Only if it's an army of two!'.   I plan to have some for lunch today (the 9th) and package it up in PORTIONS for future lunches.

During the day yesterday in between being frustrated with our Internet stuff not working right, I cleaned half a dozen photo frames that were left over from the Estate sales.  These are the cheap plastic type, and hopefully I'll be able to use them for some photos from my holiday.  I also defrosted the fridge freezer and did laundry.  Was quite knackered by the end of the day.

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