27 July 2008

Sat 26 July

08:04:00   8.7  / 156  Fasting   
13:29:00 6.4 / 116 Pre-Lunch
22:32:00 13.1 / 235 Post-Tea

Driving Totals:
* Anytime: 1445 mins of 2400 req
* Nighttime: 600 mins of 600 req (DONE)

Total Steps: 2745

Breakfast: 1/4 Bagel with blue cheese, plus cottage cheese
Lunch: 2 eggs, bacon and 1/2 bagel
Tea: Minute steak roll ups, salad

Notes: Worked on my personal site today, getting my photo album sorted as to how things are displayed and deciding on how best to set up my blog.

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