15 May 2008

Wed 14 May

08:10:00   6.7  / 120  Fasting   
18:55:00 6.2 / 111 Pre-Tea
22:04:00 7.1 / 128 Post-Tea

Driving Totals: Daytime: 710 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 300 mins of 600 req
15 mins this afternoon

W: 89.5

Scratchy: No win. 8184 steps

Total Steps: 8635 so far

Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: sausage roll from Jesters Pies. Can't say I'd recommend these. Rather bland.
Tea: Yiros lamb meat.

Notes: Village Walkers today. Went well. Bought 3/4 length gel inserts for my shoes before walk. Not sure about them as they have a texture to them I could feel on my feet, but probably helped as I didn't have as many problems with cramps. I also did the stretching exercises as well before hand. Then went off on bus to Colonnades as I had a Workskil appt. Basically just a catch up (health, etc) and for once all my news was mostly on the positive side. Picked up some milk and took photos of apples for the Monthly Scavenger Hunt. I did photos this morning of my fogged up mirrors, but I don't know how they turned out yet. Ran into A. at Colonnades - she was shocked that Rod wasn't with me (I don't think we've ever run into each other when we haven't been together), she was so thrilled that I had my 'L's too. Then I met Rod after his classes and drove home. Sorta missed the driveway and got the curb a bit on the turn in. Ouch.

Now home working on various websites and catching up with all my paperwork. My desk seems to be covered in little white reminder notes at the moment.

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