22 May 2008

Wed 21 May

07:30:00   7.3  / 131  Fasting   
10:42:00 6.1 / 110 Post-Bfast
16:59:00 7.0 / 126 Post-Lunch
18:40:00 4.9 / 88 Pre-Tea
21:34:00 7.7 / 138 Post-Tea

Driving Totals: Daytime: 745 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 340 mins of 600 req

W: 90.5

Scratchy: No win. 5901 steps

Total Steps: 7762

Breakfast: half toasted cheese sandwich on low GI bread
Lunch: Tuna on low GI toast
Tea: Yiro

Fluids: 3.325 litres

Notes: Have added fluids to the list as I seemed to have both slipped from drinking enough water (or anything that doesn't have milk in it) and keeping track of it as I had been on the fridge. By putting it here I hope just to push myself that bit further to get enough in a day. Where this makes a difference is in flushing out toxins, keeping arthritis swelling to a minimum and helping with the sinus/bronchits issues. Spent the day working on websites, aside from a walk in the afternoon.

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