22 March 2007

22 Mar: Readings & Comments

6.4    / 115   Bedtime         23:38:26
4.8 / 86 Fasting 08:09:39
6.3 / 113 Random 09:56:16
6.7 / 120 Post-Breakfast 12:32:05
4.4 / 79 Pre-Lunch 14:23:16
7.3 / 131 Pre-Tea 17:06:56
5.7 / 103 Post-Tea 19:42:48
Wow, 21yrs ago, Mike and I got married. It just seems so long ago. How can that many years just go so quickly?

I got up early with Rod at 8am, but went back to bed, so the Random reading at almost 10am was my actual pre-breakfast reading. I wanted to have a later breakfast today as I knew I'd be at the treatment center until at least 2pm and I was right. By time I got home my BGL was 4.4 and I really could feel that I needed some fuel in my system. After my lunch, I checked Email, had a quick smoke and then went and tried out the new Doona since it arrived this morning. And I really wanted a nap, so I took one. Rod didn't come home until about 5, and he brought KFC home with him. This was a bit early for our usual tea, but it was lovely. I then made a beaded bookmark for one of the nurses at the clinic (she'd seen mine and admired it so I asked if she'd like one), and followed that up with watching Neighbours (an Aussie TV 'soap' I'm addicted to). I spent the evening reading Email and looking up what they'll be doing to me tomorrow.

On the Doona, well... you could say I blew it, but I feel good about it. Our old doona covers didn't fit the doona we've been using. They've always been too big. I assumed the doona we had was for a double bed and that our covers were queen sized. Nope. Apparently all these many years we've been sharing a doona for a SINGLE bed using doona covers that were for a double bed sized doona. Long story short, the new queen sized doona is PERFECT for our bed. It nearly reaches the floor on all three sides (mine, Rod's and at the foot), and we will not be fighting for the doona this winter. I'm so pleased. BUT! Now I need a couple of queen sized doona covers as what we were using are now too small. And new sets aren't cheap. They're about half what I paid for the new doona itself. But they are also the centre piece of the room, so it's a worth while investment. Besides, having anything WHITE around Rod is just plain foolish. He really isn't one for being able to keep anything white for very long at all (minutes, sometimes seconds!). So the plan is to pick up an inexpensive (cough, cough) one tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we'll find something nice that doesn't cost a fortune. I've looked online and didn't find anything that I liked the price of let alone the design.

I sent links to Rod and my sisters for the VAC system, but I'll add a couple here for anyone else reading in...


More tomorrow as we see how things work out.

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