26 March 2007

26 Mar: Readings & Comments

6.3 / 113 Bedtime 00:06:51
6.4 / 116 Fasting 08:43:39
7.7 / 138 Post-Breakfast 11:39:11
5.4 / 97 Pre-Lunch 13:32:34
4.2 / 76 Pre-Tea 18:42:43
7.0 / 126 Post-Tea 20:45:53
Well I didn't have a dressing change today, even though Marg, the wound care specialist at Flinders phoned me to see how I was going and even she thought I'd be having a change. Instead they'll see me at Flinders on Wednesday to do the change and possibly I'll only need to have the dressing changed once a week. It is, after all, a totally vacuum sealed area. It's probably better to have less opportunities for germs to become present. Not that Boreass would allow any germs - he'd just suck em right out of there.

I had my usual crumpet toast with peanut butter today, so am a little surprised at having a 7.7 reading for post-breakfast. Maybe I spread it on a little too thick, or the other possibility is that I had a mandarine flavoured green tea and perhaps the mandarine green tea isn't as effective. Probably too much PB I'm betting.

I did a lot today, but nothing worth writing about. Basically I managed to do some kitchen tidying and other odd jobs, plus I actually cooked tea tonight (a lamb and veggie stir-fry). Tomorrow we're going to have another go at having a pork roast again. Last week it wasn't done until 8pm.

I am feeling more 'energetic' and less crappy finally. Just don't want to overdo it.

Oh, one of the things I did today is convert the movies that I took on my USA trip with my camera and phone camera into a format I could view on the computer. Boy am I disappointed. I got a bit of Steve drumming, a snippet of conversation with Terry, a bit of life at home with Pam and Ron, some of Diane's house on the outside, and all the rest was Fira's drum and fife corp in Canada. No conversations with my kids, no great videos of anyone really. If I were to do it again I'd do more video of PEOPLE I love. Glad I have photos, but video with sound would have been so much better. Oh well.

I have to put in my fortnightly form at Centrelink tomorrow and may go get my hair cut too if I'm feeling up to it. Also plan to do grocery shopping. By time I finish I reckon I'll be glad to be home and have Boreass off my shoulder!

One of these days I need to catch up on actually replying to Email, doing some invoicing and catching up with some paperwork that's threatening to grow over my desk. Meanwhile though, Rod's bushed and has headed off to bed, and so I shall be following him shortly.

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