08:17:00 5.9 / 107 Fasting
11:07:00 7.3 / 132 Post-Bfast
14:15:00 5.8 / 105 Pre-Lunch
17:18:00 6.9 / 125 Post-Lunch
19:21:00 4.8 / 87 Pre-Tea
22:21:00 9.1 / 163 Post-Tea
Driving Totals: Daytime: 545 mins of 2400 req // Nighttime: 200 mins of 600 req
W: 91.5
Scratchy: no win. 3046 steps
Breakfast: toasted half cheese sandwich
Lunch: sausage roll w/ cottage cheese
Tea: seafood stirfry. Probably too many noodles.
Notes: Had a very quiet morning and had an appt with David in the afternoon to go over plans for a website we're working on together.
In between work stuff, I managed to get caught up with Neighbours episodes that were on my flash drive so I could watch the episodes on my digital photo frame out on the patio. One nice thing about this is that I used to snack while watching this show, and now I'm watching it in another location I no longer have that urge/craving. The fact I edited out the commercials might also have helped a bit.
Tonights tea had a lovely sauce that I created myself using sweet chilli sauce, Nandos lime marinade, and Nandos hot sauce, along with about 1/3c liquid from my crushed garlic container. It turned out excellent. And I do think the sauce (which was a limited amount) wasn't the cause for my high after tea reading, but rather that I had it with 3 min noodles. Will have to try the sauce recipe again in future and see how my body handles it.
Steps: 6262
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