09 April 2008

Tue 8 April Update

01:11:31   8.9  / 161  Bedtime     still high BGL.
06:59:20 6.6 / 119 Fasting woke up early - arthritis.
15:16:17 8.9 / 160 Post-Lunch lemon chicken, noodles, shared w/ Rod.
23:11:06 8.0 / 144 Post-Tea Yiros.

Scratchy: no win. 4920

Breakfast: the usual.
Lunch: Food court chinese lemon chicken and noodles, shared with Rod.
Tea: Yiros.

Notes: My appt went well today with the RDNS nurse. I see one RDNS nurse and each client is scheduled for 15 minutes (which is longer than my GPs regular appts). The nurse I saw had met me before (as a visiting nurse), and she even remembered that I use green tea to help control my diabetes. I spent the rest of my morning trying to track down a USB type A micro cable. None to be had locally. I met Rod for lunch as he was between classes and then took the bus home. Did quite a bit of walking today too.

Steps: 8703

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